Public sector

Leading much of the online revolution for the last few years, many government departments and local authorities are models of the lean fast paced organisations delivering against measurable objectives in the 21st century. Information technology is used at our public sector clients to store huge volumes of data. Often, it is available if one requests. This is the case with the leading AXLR8 FOI system common in many local authorities and a few central government departments.

The AXLR8 Trigaware solution can make the right people aware immediately when pre-defined rules are overstepped.

Your organisation is already aware of the necessity for standards of management decision making to be high. The fast pace and speed of change do not allow avoidable – especially repeated – errors.

Circumstances that produce the known problems should be picked up early and managers concerned should be made aware so that they can act. As standards of scrutiny rise, and as accountability and visibility of results put increased strains on government managers, they need to use scarce resources even more efficiently to achieve targets.

In this new environment, if a public sector manager makes a mistake once, they learn from it. If they make that same mistake twice, more people will be aware and plenty of peers will call their competence to account. If you have worked hard to get where you are on merit, you need to make sure your organisation acts first and has the information systems in place to make the best decisions that stand the test of time!

That’s where AXLR8 helps public sector organsations. Our consulting methodology is designed to study the business risks, identifying where immediate alerts are required and who should be made aware. We then implement the system to trigger immediate awareness of information that needs quick responses.

Secure Maintenance

Quality control assures that the correct people get the appropriate messages. This cuts the cost of implementing and maintaining alert and confirmation systems, which allows modern organisations to move faster and avoid decision errors at high pace.

Data changes in any of your legacy systems or modern CRMs can trigger messages and most organisations know how hard it can be to implement and maintain these. That is why you need a specialist to provide a cost effective solution.